Friday, December 9, 2011

1. If you are interested in being in the Indoor Drum line, please sign up on the sheet on the counter by the office.

2. Today is the last day for the Junior Toy Drive. Please bring a toy worth $5 or more to Mrs. Toepfer. All donations go to the Over-the-Rhine. Hopefully we can give them a good Christmas.

3. Breaking News! We now are taking prepaid orders for Spanish Club T-Shirts designed by our very own Collin Barton – see Senora Timmerding for details. Check out the design and place an order muy pronto.

4. There will be a brief but important meeting Today right after school in C20 for any girl wishing to play softball for the Warriors this spring. See Mr. Nerl with any questions.

5. Attention Sophomores – The PLAN test will be given on January 5th. Sign up for this practice ACT test in the guidance office by next Friday, December 16th. The cost is $11.25 and you can pay by exact cash or a check which needs to be made out to Mariemont High School.

6. ATTENTION TEACHERS: Today is recycling. Please have a student bring your bin to the pool doors by 2:00.