Monday, March 12, 2012

  1. A representative from Wilberforce University will be here to speak with interested students on Tuesday at 1:00. Students should come to the guidance office. 
  2. A reminder to winter sports athletes that tonight is the winter sports awards. Refreshments in the Commons at 6:30 and the program begins a 7pm in the gym. 
  3. CONGRATULATIONS TO The MARIEMONT HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT BAND for earning the highest possible rating of “Superior” at the Ohio Music Education Association District 14 Large Group Contest on Friday at Harrison High School. The band received straight “Superior” ratings from every judge which qualifies them to compete in the State Large Group Competition in a few weeks. They were one of only two bands out of 10 in their division to qualify for State competition. Congratulations Band for this outstanding accomplishment!! 
  4. The box office will be open during lunch time every day this week so you may purchase your tickets for “Annie”.