Friday, October 21, 2011

  1. Freshman class officers should attend a brief meeting in Mrs. Leatherwood’s room after school today. 
  2. There will be an information meeting for all swimmers and their parents on Wednesday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m. in C20. Those interested in diving will have a separate meeting at a different time. 
  3. Tonight’s home football game is a PINK OUT in recognition of breast cancer awareness month. Wear pink to support our Warriors and a worthy cause. 
  4. Come and cheer on the Lady Warrior Volleyball team as they play Finneytown in the next round of the tournament on Saturday at 7:00 pm at MHS. Wear yellow and support our team. 
  5. Cincinnati State will be visiting on Monday at 10:30, Northeast Ohio Medical University will be visiting on Tuesday at 9:30 and Rutgers University will be here at 1:00 on Wednesday. 
  6. Boys interested in playing Basketball for the Warriors please sign up on the front counter. 
  7. ATTENTION TEACHERS: Today is recycling. Please have a student bring your bin to the pool doors by 2:00. 
  8. ATTENTION MOCK TRIAL: Any students still interested in joining the Mock Trial Team, see Mr. Wolfford in room 18 during your lunch today. 
  9. The Varsity Girls and Boys Cross Country teams would like to invite you to the Division III District Championships at Voice of America Park in West Chester tomorrow. You can get directions from any of the athletes or Mr. Nerl. The girls run at 1:00 pm and the boys at 2:10. Both teams are either favored or in it to win it! Hope to see you there. 
  10. If you are interested in being in the Acoustic Guitar Club, we will have a brief informational meeting on Monday, Oct. 24th at 3:00 in the band room. 
  11. Mr. Litton’s Creative Writing class will meet in the Lower Library today, Friday (10/21). 
  12. Seniors should remind their parents to meet at 7pm on the track for senior night activities.