Thursday, October 27, 2011

  1. Boys interested in playing Basketball for the Warriors please sign up on the front counter. 
  2. This week the sophomore class is sponsoring a winter coat drive. Please help us keep the people of Cincinnati warm this winter by donating your unused winter coats. Coats can be dropped off in Mr. Becksfort’s room or to any participating teacher. 
  3. Spanish Club – There will be a meeting after school today to learn about the DIA de LOS MUERTOS (Day of the Dead). Please see senora for details. 
  4. Any NHS members who have not paid their dues, please do so as soon as possible. 
  5. Book Club is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Dress As Your Favorite Character Day on Monday, October 31st. The party will begin at 7:00 a.m. in the lower library with food, a photo booth, and trivia games. Barnes and Noble Gift Cards will be awarded to the Most Original Costume, Most Obscure Costume, and the Best Overall Costume. See Mrs. Colpi for details. 
  6. Do you want to support the Boys and Girls Cross Country teams in their quest for a State qualifying run? We are going to make it easy for you to do that. There is going to be a spirit bus on Saturday and the Invitational is free to everyone watching. The sign up sheet is in the front office. The bus will leave the HS bus turnaround at 8:30 and get to Troy in time to see the girls run at 11:00 and the boys at 1:30. We need a certain count to justify the bus, so sign up now!!! 
  7. Anyone interested in trying out for cheerleading for basketball season should sign up on the counter in the office. 
  8. The Mattress Sale Fund Raiser is November 5th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at the high school. We need 40-50 students to assist with a signage campaign on the November 5th sale date for 2 hour shifts from 9-11, 11-1, 1-3 & 3-5. There will be a volunteer sign-up on October 31st right after school in the commons. Students can also earn money for referrals which result in a mattress purchase. The incentives range from $25 for 1 referral up to $200 for 5 referrals. 
  9. Attention Showstoppers – rehearsal on Friday will be dancers only from 1:30-2:30. 
  10. The library is closed both lunches today. 
  11. Freshmen football players are to report to the upper library at the end of 2nd bell for a very brief meeting. 
  12. The following seniors are invited to join Mr. Imhoff for lunch in J-Pod today during lunches 1 & 2. Lunch 1: Megan Rucker, Olivia Saulnier, Carly Schweier, Danielle Scott, Lindsey Serraino, Jane Spooner, Erik Swanson, James Tecco, Nick Vearil, Christian Vonder Ahe, Nate Wagner, Garrett Welch, Mallory Widecan, Ryan Williams, Mikey Wirthlin. Lunch 2: Alex Heffner, Karin Long, Max Long, Allie Lynch, Katie Peters, Luke Porst, Joe Rolander, Bryan Routt, Jonathan Saxton, Maud Schram, Mackenzie Shelley, Braxton Stricker, Michael Weston, Katie Wray.