Thursday, May 10, 2012

  1. BULLYING is all over the media, but is it depicted realistically?  Does it help increase awareness or glamorize it?  Join Book Club this Friday @ 7am to discuss Bullying in the Media.  Breakfast provided.  All are welcome.
  2. NHS MEMBERS:  Please have food, drinks and ice at the junior high dance Friday at 6:30.  Check lists outside room 9 if you have forgotten your assignment.
  3. ATTENTION SOPHOMORE CLASS:  if you would like to order a sophomore class Spring Fling t-shirt see Ellen Dolle, Jon Bezney or Sami Ricketts by the end of today.
  4. MARIEMONT RESIDENT is seeking administrative office help, at local office building, 3-4 hours per week.  See the flier in Guidance.
  5. EVERY STUDENT who wishes to attend the Cappies Gala must let Mrs. Lowery know and bring in $25 no later than Friday, May 11th.  EVERYONE must pay for a ticket.
  6. THE BOYS LACROSSE TEAM beat Milford on the road last night 14-2.  Scoring contributions were made by Macko Saffin and Cal Fries, each with 3 goals.  Max Long, Alex Heffner and Cole DeCamp with 2 goals and Billy Bausmith and Jimmy Beach with one goal.  Joe Rolander had 4 saves.  Sam Long had 1 save.  Up next:  Saturday night is Senior Night as the Warriors face Summit at home.  Face off at 7:30 pm.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS to Mara Coyan who was the first place winner in the University of Cincinnati/Clermont crea4ative writing contest which was open to all high school students in the Tristate area.
  8. MRS. RICHARDSON’S classes are to report to Study Hall today.
  9. DETENTION is in the Health Room today with Mr. Jenike.