Tuesday, May 15, 2012

  1. KEY CLUB MEMBERS:  bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies and take them to Mr. Wiseman by Thursday for a credit and sign up on the bulletin board to help at the Mariemont Elementary Carnival.
  2. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT is hoping to hire students interested in helping with the district’s big move.  Moving dates are Saturday, June 9 and Monday and Tuesday, June 11th & 12th.  You must be 16 or older.  Information/training session to be held TODAYat 3:15 in the Upper Library.  Sign up with Mrs. Dunlap in Guidance.
  3. LEADERSHIP COUNCIL will meet briefly after school today.
  4. SPANISH CLUB:  There will be a second meeting today after school for active Spanish Club Members to finalize activities and officer elections.  Any participating club member unable to attend should  Senora Timmerding Wednesday morning before first bell.
  5. SENIOR CLASS MEMBERS:  Baccalaureate sign-ups are now open.  Please contact Mrs. Keefe in room 3 with any questions or to sign up for the program.
  6. MANY CHANGES are coming over the summer to Mariemont.  Make sure you don’t miss a thing by setting up your school email on your smart phone.  Stop by and see Mrs. Colpi in the library to find out how.
  7. ATTENTION JUNIOR GIRLS who ordered Powderpuff shirts:  please bring a check to MHS or $10 cash to Mrs. Toepfer in room 7 by Wednesday.
  8. VOTE FOR VIDEO OF THE YEARS:  check your school EMAIL or the High School Web Page.  The Winner will be announced at the Night of the Arts “Mindies” awards.
  9. COME SUPPORT the boys lacrosse team as they face their first post-season tournament opponent, Summit Country Day on Friday night at 7:30 pm here at Kusel.
  10. ANYONE who signed up for yearbook should attend a meeting in Mr. Becksfort’s room after school on Wednesday for 15 minutes.  Chocolate will be provided.
  11. DETENTION will be held after school today in C-20.