Wednesday, May 16, 2012

  1. KEY CLUB MEMBERS:  bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies and take them to Mr. Wiseman by Thursday for a credit and sign up on the bulletin board to help at the Mariemont Elementary Carnival.
  2. SENIOR CLASS MEMBERS:  Baccalaureate sign-ups are now open.  Please contact Mrs. Keefe in room 3 with any questions or to sign up for the program.
  3. MANY CHANGES are coming over the summer to Mariemont.  Make sure you don’t miss a thing by setting up your school email on your smart phone.  Stop by and see Mrs. Colpi in the library to find out how.
  4. ANYONE who signed up for yearbook should attend a meeting in Mr. Becksfort’s room after school today for 15 minutes.  Chocolate will be provided.
  5. JUNIOR POWDERPUFF shirts are in.  Pick up yours in room 7 from Mrs. Toepfer.  The cost is $10.
  6. YOU ARE INVITED to attend the “Night of the Arts” this evening beginning at 6:30.  Visual Art, Video Art and Performance Arts will be highlighted.  Please join us.
  7. STUDENT COUNCIL will meet Thursday morning at 7:20 am.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Neumann’s English classes at the high school and to Mrs. Jordan’s English classes at the junior high for collecting the most books for the Leadership Council and Book Club’s book drive for needy kids.  With your help we collected over two thousand books.  Your donated books have already found homes with children who will be able to enjoy the gift of a good book.  Thank you for your generosity and compassion.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS to next year’s student council members:
    • Seniors:  Josh Keyes, Allie Frey, Emmett Saulnier and Adrienne Bruggeman
    • Juniors:  Danny Renner, Jonathan White, Ellen Dolle and Hans Hinebaugh
    • Sophomores:  Connor Osgood, Will Majchszak, Julia Lynch, Gretchen Wittry and Drew Serraino
  10. DETENTION will be held today in C-20.
  11. 5th BELL STUDY HALL will be held in Mr. Miller’s room 11 today.
  12. SPRING FLING marks the arrival of the exciting new Warrior logo.  In anticipation of this world premier event, the following students should come to Mr. Nerl’s office to pick up a t-shirt:  Mariah Morrow, Luke Parker, Alice Barnes and Michael Weston.