Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1. From now until Holiday Fair, the library will clear $1.00 of library fines for every book or DVD donated to the book club used book sale.

2. All AFS Club members are required to sign up for Holiday Fair work shifts and contributions on the SIGN-UP Board in J-Pod next to Frau Kornreich’s room. Please sign up as soon as possible.

3. Leadership council will be having a meeting on today after school in C-20.

4. All Spirit Club members are required to sign up for Holiday Fair work shifts and contributions on the sheet outside of room 16.

5. A representative from Seifert Sports will be here on Tuesday, November 29 to take letter jacket orders. A $50 deposit is required. Pick up information on the front Counter.

6. Vote for Hans Hinebaugh for the Cincinnati Bengals Ohio National Guard Player of the Year. Go to Mariemontwarriors.org for more details. You can vote until December 9th.

7. Student Council will meet today after school in Mr. Hanley’s room.

8. There will be an important Key Club Meeting next Monday the 28th after school in C-20.

9. Seniors – don’t forget that senior and baby pictures are due on or before December 1st to the yearbook email address: yearbook at mariemontschools.org. Thank you.

10. Attention Members of Environmental Club: Please sign up to work the Holiday Fair booth on the list outside of Mrs. Dierker’s room. We need at least two people for each half hour shift.

11. All Football and Lacrosse players please meet with Mr. Crosby the 2nd half of each lunch period today in the cafeteria.

12. All Holiday Fair student ambassadors please see Mr. Crosby at this time.