Friday, April 13, 2012

  1. ATTENTION ALL AP STUDENTS – remember to bring in a check payable to Mariemont High School for your AP tests. Each test is $87. This is due by April 20th. Please bring your check to Mrs. Dunlap in the counseling office. 
  2. REMEMBER TO BRING IN BOOKS! Please help Leadership Council and Book Club in providing reading material for K-8 students at a Cincinnati Public School. You have until April 23rd for the chance to get cookies and milk in your English class. 
  3. ALL NHS MEMBERS – There is a brief mandatory meeting Tuesday APRIL 17 immediately after school in C-20 to plan the junior high dance. 
  4. ALL BOYS planning to play soccer next year need to attend a brief meeting after school on Friday , April 20th in room C-20. If you have any questions please see Coach Vanags. 
  5. APPLICATIONS FOR STUDENTS interested in leadership positions for Unified for Unifat next year can be found in the folder on Mrs. Leatherwood’s door. Please return the completed applications to Mrs. Leatherwood by Friday, April 20th. 
  6. A Mariemont resident is seeking after school child care for a 4th and 6th grader at Mariemont Elementary. This position could lead to summer opportunities. Check out the flier in the guidance office. 
  7. ATTENTION JUNIORS – Camp Kern applications for next school year are on the front counter beginning today. They must returned to the front office by April 20th. 
  8. MRS. MCGAHEY’S 4th bell class should report to study hall today. 
  9. ATTENTION ALL MARIEMONT PHOTOGRAPHERS: Mariemont High School is hosting its’ Annual Photography Contest at the end of this month. Any Mariemont student can enter. Your photos must be matted and may be any size to enter, however the top two winning photos will be printed and framed as 8 x 10s. Photos in a series must be entered individually. Please submit your photos to Mrs. Richardson along with a completed entry form for each entry. Entry forms can be found in the school office or with Mrs. Richardson. For those whose photos are still in the photography room, please see or e-mail Mrs. Richardson regarding which photos you want to enter. Photos entered will be judged by two area professional photographers on creativity and technique. The top two winning photos will be permanently hung on the wall near the auditorium. All entry forms and photos are due to Mrs. Richardson no later than Wednesday, April 25th. Deliver them personally to Mrs. Richardson or put in her teacher mailbox in the office.