Wednesday, April 25, 2012

  1. BICK’S DRIVING SCHOOL will be teaching a Driver’s Education class starting on May 7th immediately after school. Classes will be held from 3-7 on May 7, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 15. Cost is $350.00. See Mrs. Dunlap in the Counseling Office for information and registration.
  2. IF YOU didn’t order your yearbook, this is your last chance! Online orders are closed, but you can bring a check for $64 to Mr. Becksfort until April 27th. Make checks payable to Mariemont High School. There will not be extra books available for sale next fall when they arrive.
  3. PROM INFO: For those who would like to key the address into your smartphone or computer for map quest directions to the prom: the hotel address is: Hilton Netherland Plaza Hotel: 35 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (the corner of 5th & Race). The event will be held in the Hall of Mirrors, located on the 3rd floor. If the hotel parking lot is full, park directly across the street on Race Street (Tower Place Parking Garage): the cost is usually $5.00 and there is a covered walkway to the hotel.
  4. DUE TO THE GREAT DEMAND, we are considering offering another Lifeguarding class beginning next Monday, April 31st. If you are interested, you must see Mrs. Keefe by Thursday, April 26th.
  5. THE VARSITY SOFTBALL TEAM had their first victory of the season last night. They defeated Western Hills behind the pitching of Sarah Crabtree and big hits by Shelby Krimmer and Ryan Williams. The team hosts Reading today.
  6. ATTENTION ALL MARIEMONT PHOTOGRAPHERS: Today is the last day to enter your photographs in the Mariemont High School Annual Photography Contest. Please bring completed entry forms and photos to Mrs. Richardson or place in her office mailbox by the end of the day today.
  7. Photos will be judged by area professional photographers. Cash prizes will be awarded to all 8 winning photos. In addition, the top two winning photos will be framed and permanently hung on the wall near the auditorium.
  8. DETENTION is in Mr. Wainscott’s room this week.