Friday, April 27, 2012

  1. IF YOU didn’t order your yearbook, this is your last chance!  Online orders are closed, but you can bring a check for $64 to Mr. Becksfort by the end of today.  Make checks payable to Mariemont High School.  There will not be extra books available for sale next fall when they arrive.
  2. STUDENTS INTERESTED in trying out for the 2012-13 Varsity and JV Cheerleading squads for football and basketball should attend clinic dates on May 7, 8 and 9 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the high school auxiliary gym.  Tryouts will be May 10th from  5:30 to 7:30 pm.  Please see the announcement page on for more details.
  3. BICK’S DRIVING SCHOOL will be teaching a Driver’s Education class starting on May 7th immediately after school.  Classes will be  held from 3-7 on May 7, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 15.  Cost is $350.00  See Mrs. Dunlap in the Counseling Office for information and registration.
  4. THE LADY WARRIORS LACROSSE team fell behind 9-0 against State #4 Sycamore, but after a strong comeback bid, fell just a little short 12-8.  Mariemont’s scoring was led by Freshman Natalie Utt and Senior Kaila Roberts with 3 goals apiece and Madison Saffin and Elizabeth Keller each adding 1.  The Warriors next travel to face Lakota West on Tuesday.
  5. MRS. SAYRE’S classes should report to Study Hall today.